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With over thirty years of experience in the hospitality and real estate sector, Beyoot Real Estate is uniquely positioned in the market with knowledge and insight on the needs of both tenants and building owners. Our property management service is an ideal fit for owners of independent villas, multi-villa compounds/residential complexes and high-rise residential buildings.

We leverage our strategic partnerships to offer tenant management, rental contracts and agreements, general administration, compliance with municipality regulations, marketing, security and maintenance services.

Every client is assigned a dedicated relationship manager who is their single point of contact for managing all affairs related to their properties. It is our goal to maximize rental returns and work towards full occupancy of properties while offering you complete peace of mind.



  • Initial review of property, current condition and market price benchmarking
  • Strategic review of applicable opportunities for its rent
  • Review and costing of any required maintenance before placing the property on the market
  • Execution of any such maintenance requirements
  • Marketing the property to potential clients and offering viewings/site visits
  • Negotiating deals and terms of rental agreement before signing from both owner and tenant
  • Timely collection and remittance of rental returns
  • Monitoring the terms of contract and assuming a supervisory role to ensure complete peace of mind
  • Wrapping up all affairs at the end of the contract term.

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